Book Reviews

Books on Writing and Films

This was a very comprehensive collection of information about marketing your products in the digital age.

The author was very thorough and clear with her descriptions.


For: Make More Money with Your Book: From Getting Started to Creating Additional Materials, Online Campaigns, Podcasts, Blogs, Videos, Advertising, PR, and the Social Media

Gini Graham Scott does an excellent job covering the subject of distributing an Indie Film.  She gives the information needed and also references other authors or businesses to find the additional information.

The author provides information about distribution, but also gives a road map, so you can begin to actually get started.  Best five bucks I’ve spent.

Matt Graziaplene

For: The Complete Guide to Distributing an Indie Film from Changemakers Publishing

Books on Business and Work

This book is full of valuable information.  So much valuable information in this book for consumers and small business owners.

Credit card fraud can go in both directions and it’s nice to see a book that can help me in business and in my personal finances. Highly recommend this book.

Sandra Shane

For: Preventing Credit Card Fraud: A Complete Guide for Everyone from Merchants to Consumers

Be Aware of the Dishonest Trickery!  I am sorry that we need a book like this, but alas, we do. As the author points out, there are tons of clever, devious criminals out there, just waiting to separate us from our money.

So in all, I found PREVENTING CREDIT CARD FRAUD to be a useful book…I appreciate the author exposing these scams, so we can take precautions.


Amazon Books Hall of Fame, Top 50 Reviewer, For: Preventing Credit Card Fraud: A Complete Guide for Everyone from Merchants to Consumers

The Best Offense Against Fraud is an Educated Defense.  Co-authors Lee and Scott have done an excellent job examining the many ways that unscrupulous consumers and vendors alike run schemes that defraud credit card users.

Anyone who uses even one credit card for sales transactions can get an outstanding education on how to prevent credit card misuse.This book provides a comprehensive education that can help greatly lower your risk of credit card fraud as well as identity theft

Dee Long

Amazon Books Top Contributor, For: A Survival Guide for Working with Bad Bosses

You need this book!! This is THE best book that I have read regarding the ‘art’ of identifying and dealing with difficult people, especially when those difficult people are your managers.  I wish I’d had this book many years ago — it would have saved me a lot of stress and aggravation.

Another note: the ideas and suggestions presented in this book are relevant not just to dealing with managers, but also to your relationships with co-workers, teachers, ‘friends,’ and family members. This is a book that everyone should read if there is just one difficult person in their life.

A. Lai

For: A Survival Guide for Working with Bad Bosses

Great advice. Helps reader keep a positive attitude while working with different personalities

Mike R.

For: A Survival Guide to Managing Employees

Good book!  Easy read, contains good advice for the new manager and helpful insights for the seasoned pro.

A must for your office bookshelf.


Amazon Books , For: A Survival Guide to Managing Employees

A common-sense approach to the difficult employe.  In this plain-spoken book, management consultant Gini Graham Scott categorizes bad employees into some three dozen pigeonholes.  Scott’s advice springs largely from common sense.

Jonathan Groner

Vine Voice, For: A Survival Guide to Managing Employees

Books on Sales and Promotion

Building a Winning Sales Team: How to Recruit, Train, and Motivate the Best

From the Entrepreneur Guide Series

Gini boils down years of experience and multiple areas of expertise into a simple presentation with helpful goodies tailored to participants’ interests.

Very informative.


Amazon Books

Excellent step by step guidelines.  Excellent, I recommend it for any business with or building a sales team.

Phyllis Jones

Amazon Books Review

Very informative and well presented. A real eye opener on monetizing your book.

I’m glad that I came.

Monica Viglioglia

Author of Soulwork ,

Let’s Have a Sales Party: A Complete Guide to Success in Party Planning from Changemakers Publishing

Very detailed and informative! It’s a good start when you are trying to understand the industry. This book has everything from A to Z!

Mehha Mehha

Amazon Book Reviews

Love this book. It was very informative and insightful. I wish I had this book years ago. This one book can replace a whole book shelf full of books I have on MLM, party planning, direct sales, compensation plans, etc. The introduction and summary for each chapter is wonderful.

I can’t say enough about this book! The best $30 investment I have ever made


Amazon Books Review

Very Informative Book for Beginner Party Planners.  This book is designed for a beginning Party Planner and it takes you from what the business is about, explaining how to pick goals, develop a sales pitch.  It offers themes, ideas to make the show fun, ideas for food, ideas for up-selling.

There’s a little of everything in this book.

Bonnie Sayward

Amazon Book Reviews

Books on Psychology and Social Trends

For Lies and Liars: How and Why Sociopaths Lie and How You Can Detect and Deal with Them

From Skyhorse Publishing

Can’t put the book down…Wow! A must read.

Carmen Perez

Amazon Book Reviews

Important and timely.  This is an important and timely book.  I recommend this book to any thoughtful American.  It is solid, informative, and eye-opening.


Amazon Books Review

Very Informative Book for Beginner Party Planners.  This book is designed for a beginning Party Planner and it takes you from what the business is about, explaining how to pick goals, develop a sales pitch.  It offers themes, ideas to make the show fun, ideas for food, ideas for up-selling.

There’s a little of everything in this book.

Bonnie Sayward

Amazon Book Reviews

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